how can we as humans make this a better world for all beings? the answer is within you and starts with making a better you!
Moondog wants to give you the jewel in the crown of a yoga practice - meditation. FREE and open to every one the following wednesday nights in december from 8:15pm- 9:00pm
wednesday, december 1 st
wednesday, december 8th
wednesday, december 15th
this year you have the option of joining us in the studio or virtually from your home. when registering be sure to chose the correct option either in the studio or virtual are available. if you chose the virtual option the link will be in your registration confirmation email which you will receive within 30 seconds. if you do not receive an email please contact us . note we will be unable to check our emails after 7pm on the night of meditation as we will be hosting students in the studio.
You are all things!