happy new year!

hi friends! hope you are all well.  i miss you and hope we see each other more in the next 30 days.  so, where have we left off?   back to the winter solstice.

thank you all who celebrated the winter solstice with me.  it was great fun and energy! a deep bow of gratitude for those who gave to britt. 

i saw britt, she is doing well.  she was touched, deeply, by your thoughts for her.

i hope you enjoyed the holidays. perhaps you relaxed, laughed, ate, drank, held space for yourself, for a friend, or slept as late as you wanted. whatever fills your soul; keep doing it...happy new year

okay let's talk. a vision i have had for 12 years is coming to fruition.  Moondog -she is a growing.  in about 90 days...eeekk...yes...we will have a new home, the old moose lodge on east broad street in qtown. i really want your thoughts. in a few weeks you will receive an email with or about a questionnaire (haven't gotten that far yet). i want to know your top three things about our sangha (community), what you'd like to see that we don't have, and something you wouldn't miss.  in addition, i'd like to know about your schedule: best days, best times for both classes and workshops and of course what classes and workshops you'd like to see more of ..speaking of that.

i will be training this winter for aerial yoga, so stoked. i am interested in aerial yoga, restorative aerial yoga  and  mixed aerial yoga classes.  your thoughts?

lastly, but most importantly. namaste my friends!  thank you for sharing yourself, your time and your practice with all of us at Moondog.  we enjoyed it!  

as my ancestors say..salute to next year!

-june & the moondog team

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